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Path of Exile Wiki
История изменений

Описание патча

Эти заметки из официального патча Версия 1.0.5, выпущенного Grinding Gear Games.[1]

Major Features/Content

  • Added a new Intelligence support gem - Ошибка модуля: Не найдено умений с q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Enlighten": This is a world-drop-only gem with three levels that only performs its function at level two and above. It increases the experience gained by active skills that it supports.
  • Added four new Unique items, two of which were designed by supporters.
  • Added two new cosmetic microtransactions: Medusa Snakes Helmet Skin and Bell Lizard Pet.
  • Added two new Achievements: Raise the Bar and Full Clear: Archives.
  • Added one new vendor recipe.

Minor Features/Content

  • Trade chat has been rate-limited to prevent message flooding. The speed that it is set to (3 seconds per message) is still faster than the amount that is classified as abusive. If this reduces the amount of repeated messages in trade chat then we may be able to make the trade channels larger, so that messages get more exposure.
  • Added race rewards for Race Season Six.
  • Added alternate Demigod's Touch inventory iconПрикосновение полубогаПрикосновение полубога
    Золотые перчатки
    Требуется Уровень 12+(20-30) к максимуму здоровья(10-16)% повышение скорости атаки
    (6-10)% повышение скорости сотворения чар
    Хотя бой был долгим,
    победа уже близка.
    Demigod's Touch inventory icon
    art for special race rewards.
  • The art for Exalted Orb inventory iconСфера возвышенияСфера возвышенияРазмер стопки: 10Усиливает редкий предмет, наделяя его новым случайным свойствомЩелкните правой кнопкой мыши по этому объекту, а затем левой по редкому предмету, чтобы использовать. Редкие предметы могут иметь до шести случайных свойств.
    Для разделения щелкните мышкой с зажатой клавишей Shift.
    Exalted Orb inventory icon
    s has been updated.
  • The art for the Ошибка модуля: Не найдено умений с q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Empower" skill gem has been updated.
  • Added a buff icon for being under the effects of Proximity Shield.
  • Added some new slashing sounds.
  • The buff name and description for Ошибка модуля: Не найдено умений с q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Flameblast" has been updated.
  • Microtransaction helmet effects have had some names and descriptions updated to be consistent.
  • Various improvements have been made to monster death animations.


  • Ошибка модуля: Не найдено умений с q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Freeze Mine" now deals damage, increasing as it goes up in levels. It always freezes and the freeze duration is longer than the damage would normally cause.
  • Ошибка модуля: Не найдено умений с q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Punishment" has had its base damage reflection increased by a flat 6%. Damage reflection against higher rarity monsters has been also been increased. For example, damage reflection against unique monsters has been increased by a flat 11%.
  • Ошибка модуля: Не найдено умений с q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Flame Totem" has had its cast duration slowed from 80ms to 200ms. Its damage has been increased by 270% at level 1 of the gem, increasing to 294% at level 15 of the gem.
  • Ошибка модуля: Не найдено умений с q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Searing Bond" no longer stacks damage from multiple beams. The damage of Searing Bond has been increased by around 400%.
  • Ошибка модуля: Не найдено умений с q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Cast on Critical Strike" now has a 10 millisecond cooldown. The chance to cast supported skills has been increased by a flat 20%.
  • If Ошибка модуля: Не найдено умений с q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Multiple Traps" supports a skill gem that can raise minions and those minions use traps, those traps are now supported by Multiple Traps.

Исправление ошибок

  • Fixed a bug where not all Ошибка модуля: Не найдено умений с q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Flame Totem" attacks would deal damage.
  • Physical percentage based damage reduction and Ошибка модуля: Не найдено умений с q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Immortal Call" now correctly mitigate damage from physical degeneration damage.
  • Fixed more issues related to having an unarmed main hand with other offhand weapons.
  • Fixed various issues with skill gem and skill bar descriptions.
  • Fixed an issue with overlapping resistance auras where maximum resistance benefits were prioritised after resistance gains, and characters did not get the maximum resistance they could get from those auras.
  • Fixed some issues with visual clipping with the Templar and some armours.
  • Fixed an issue where you were unable to leave the Torture Chamber's boss room.
  • Fixed an issue where Undying Incinerators with Soul Conduit did not correctly grant experience and loot when self-exploding.
  • Fixed a bug where monsters could spawn in an inaccessible area in the Hedge Maze.
  • Fixed a crash related to the Shock and Horror beam.
  • Fixed a crash related to casting Portals.
  • Fixed a crash related to Ошибка модуля: Не найдено умений с q_where = skill.active_skill_name="Cyclone".
  • Fixed a crash in the Courtyard map.
  • Fixed an instance crash related to Proximity Shield.


  1. Qarl (9 января 2014). "1.0.5 Patch Notes". Официальный форум Path of Exile.