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Metamorph sample refer to the 5 types of items from Metamorph league: Brain, Eye, Heart, Lung and Liver. The itemized unique Metamorph organ only drop from defeating the Metamorph boss that crafted by the player in area and map.


In Metamorph league, certainly monsters are marked with green "arrow" on their bodies as well as marked in the mini-map. Upon defeating the monsters, they drops organ samples and automatically be collected. With a full set of samples: Brain, Eye, Heart, Lung and Liver, players can craft a boss based on the combination they had used. (Players can use a button in the UI to summon Tane Octavius and his boss crafting machine) Since in one map and area, players can collects multiple copies of one type of the samples, usually there are more than one combination of the samples. The combination affect the loots as well as the Metamorph boss' ability and health. Moreover, a status bar would be filled sometimes that unlock certain bonuses, for example, the boss would drop itemized Metamorph organ.

Players can crafted a stronger Metamorph boss in Tane's Laboratory by using a full set of itemized Metamorph organs.

Список органов Метаморфа

  • Metamorph Brain inventory iconМозг метаморфаМозг метаморфаОбъедините эту часть с четырьмя другими в Лаборатории Танэ.Metamorph Brain inventory icon
  • Metamorph Eye inventory iconГлаз метаморфаГлаз метаморфаОбъедините эту часть с четырьмя другими в Лаборатории Танэ.Metamorph Eye inventory icon
  • Metamorph Heart inventory iconСердце метаморфаСердце метаморфаОбъедините эту часть с четырьмя другими в Лаборатории Танэ.Metamorph Heart inventory icon
  • Metamorph Lung inventory iconЛёгкое метаморфаЛёгкое метаморфаОбъедините эту часть с четырьмя другими в Лаборатории Танэ.Metamorph Lung inventory icon
  • Metamorph Liver inventory iconПечень метаморфаПечень метаморфаОбъедините эту часть с четырьмя другими в Лаборатории Танэ.Metamorph Liver inventory icon

Рецепт торговца

  • Three of any itemized organs can be given to receive a random organ differing from those offered, with random rewards.

См. также

  • Talisman - league item that used to be upgradable in the past
  • Beast - league item that used as ingredients of league mechanics
  • Fractured item- legacy league item that could be used as ingredients of league mechanics in the past
    • Synthesiser - a legacy league mechanics that use Fractured item to create Synthesised item

История изменений

Версия Изменения
  • Добавлен новый рецепт торговца для органов Метаморфа. Три любых органа теперь можно обменять на один случайный, отличающийся от предложенных на обмен. Награды у полученного органа будут случайны.
  • Образцы Метаморфа теперь автоматически собираются при смерти монстра.
  • Добавлено в игру.